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Here’s How to Make Money on ChatGPT’s GPT Store

OpenAI has just launched it’s new GPT Store, that already has over 3 million custom GPTs! And it’s now your chance to start your journey with OpenAI’s GPT Store.

AI has been the technology trend for more than a decade, and AI and and machine learning has enabled myriad opportunities to flourish and pull prosperity closer to everyone. And the new GPT Store is such an opportunity, that will revolutionize the way we interact with generative AI. It’s making waves by providing an entrance into the world of AI-based conversation models. Also, the GPT Store provides an exciting avenue to monetize your skills and explore the AI universe while earning a decent income.

What is a GPT?

By definition GPT is: “Generative pre-trained transformers are a type of large language model and a prominent framework for generative artificial intelligence. They are artificial neural networks that are used in natural language processing tasks[1]. Building a GPT takes a lot of time, effort, and data to get an excellent performing model like ChatGPT, Bard AI, or Claude AI Assistant.

However, in this tutorial we are talking about OpenAI’s custom GPT which are built on OpenAI’s models like ChatGPT, Whisper, and DALL·E. Creating a custom GPT this way is much simpler, easier, straight forward, and doesn’t require technical skills or expertise.

Here's How to Make Money on ChatGPT's GPT Store

How to create your first custom GPT

Creating a custom GPT doesn’t require any technical skills! However, sometimes in complex scenarios, Creating a custom GPT may require a minimal to moderate technical skills. However, it’s fun and you can learn how to create your custom GPT by following OpenAI’s documentation and tutorials.

Here is how to create your first GPT:

1- Head to the GPT Store.
2- Click the “+ Create” button.
3- Start creating your custom GPT.
4- Customize your GPT and make it user friendly.
5- You can follow OpenAI’s documentation on how to proceed with creating your first GPT.

All you need is creativity and a knack for understanding what people might need or find interesting. For example, you can create a “Dream Reader”, or a “Youtube Keyword Extractor” By creating engaging and unique models you can attract new users to your custom GPTs.

OpenAI ChatGPT Store

Making Money with GPT Store

The new GPT store will enable creators to develop, earn money from, and distribute their personalized GPT creations globally, similar to an app marketplace. It can be compared to Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store, but this one will serve as the AI store for GPTs.

Understanding the market and how to navigate it is pivotal in maximizing your earnings from the GPT Store. Stay updated with what’s trending, and align your GPTs with the user demand. Remember, the more useful or intriguing your GPT is to users the higher the income potential.

According to OpenAI “In Q1 we will launch a GPT builder revenue program. As a first step, US builders will be paid based on user engagement with their GPTs. We’ll provide details on the criteria for payments as we get closer.” So while it’s still not clear how much money users will be able to make on the GPT Store, OpenAI will definitely explain more about their monetization model.

But you can use your custom GPTs in many ways to generate passive income, like:

1- Driving traffic to your blog or website.
2- Growing your brand and getting more social media followers.
3- As a marketing way to drive more sales and leads to your business.
4- Driving traffic to your Youtube channel.
5- Generate traffic to your ebook on Amazon.

Monetizing your GPTs on the store is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a journey that requires patience, learning, and constant improvement. But it’s a journey that leads to prosperity, not only financially, but in terms of knowledge and skills too. As you create and share more models, you’ll continue to grow your business while making a significant contribution to the AI community.

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