
The failures of sensory perception can be unusual and debilitating. A particular sensory deficit that inhibits an important social function of humans is prosopagnosia, or face blindness. The word comes from the Greek words prosopa, that means “faces,” and agnosia, that means “not knowing.” Some people may feel that they cannot recognize people easily by their faces. However, a person with prosopagnosia cannot recognize the most recognizable people in their respective cultures. They would not recognize the face of a celebrity, an important historical figure, or even a family member like their mother. They may not even recognize their own face.

Q. Which of the following is NOT true about prosopagnosia?

Select the Correct Answer:
Another name for prosopagnosia is face blindness
The word is derived from two Greek words that were combined
People with this sensory deficit can’t recognize celebrities or historical figures, but they normally recognize close family members
Some individuals suffering from face blindness might not be able to recognize themselves


30 Reading Questions for TOEFL Prep - Group 2

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