background image



Define leadership.   


Define cooperation. 


Do you consider yourself competitive? 




What was the last good book you read? 


What is your favorite movie? 


How do you keep aware of current events? 


Do you have any hobbies? 


What do you do for fun/to let off steam/in your spare time? 


What accomplishments in your life are you proudest of? 


Who are your heroes? 


What is your greatest strength? 


What is your greatest weakness? 


Random Questions 


Tell me something about yourself that is not on your resume. 


If you could be any type of animal/car/cookie, what would you be? 


If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do? 


If you could have lunch with any three people, living or dead, who would they be and why? 





Could you explain your organizational structure? 


What do you most enjoy about your work with this organization / company / agency? 


Could you describe your company's management style and the type of employee who fits well 
with it? 


What are some of the skills and abilities necessary for someone to succeed in this job? 


What is the organization's policy on providing seminars, workshops, and training so 
employees can keep up their skills or acquire new ones? 


What kind of work can I expect to be doing the first year? 


How and by whom will my performance be reviewed? Are there specific criteria upon which I 
would be evaluated? And how frequently is formal and informal review given to new 


How much guidance or assistance is made available to individuals in developing career goals? 


I read on the company / organization / agency website that employees have recently done 
presentations at XX conference. Is that a typical opportunity in the job for which I am 
interviewing? Are there specific professional organizations employees have been encouraged 
to join? 




Answering Common Interview Questions
