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63. The most prominent component of a skeletal muscle cell is

a. mitochondria
b. Golgi complex
c. myoglobin
d. myofilaments
e. glycogen

64. Caveolae in smooth muscle cells are thought to be analogous to

a. lysosomes
b. secretory vesicles
c. T-tubules
d. pinocytotic vesicles
e. phagosomes

65. The thick filaments of skeletal muscle fibers

a. consist of both actin and myosin
b. are present in the A band
c. consist of actin
d. are crossed by the Z line
e. are present in the I bands

66. The contractile element (component) of skeletal muscle is in the

a. myofibrils
b. sarcoplasmic reticulum
c. sarcolemma
d. endomysium
e. sarcoplasm

67. The connective tissue investment seen with the light microscope around an individual

muscle fiber of skeletal muscle is


a. endomysium
b. epimysium
c. sarcolemma
d. perimysium
e. basal lamina

68. A node of Ranvier is

a. the point of near-contact between the processes of two neurons
b. characteristic of unmyelinated fibers
c. a constriction of the axon
d. a nerve receptor
e. a junction between two Schwann cells


Dental Board exams (questions for histology/oral histology)

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