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Sample Prompts for the STAT Written English

STAT Written English requires written responses to two themes. Four prompts will be presented for each theme.
Candidates must choose 


 prompt from 



Part A topics invite a more formal response in the form of an argument. Part B topics invite a less formal
response in the form of personal reflection.

Part A

Prompt 1

Education helps individuals grow and has a civilising and humanising influence
on society as a whole.

Prompt 2

Too much of current education is concerned with rote learning that has little
relationship to real problems and real life.

Prompt 3

Education is the greatest force for change and offers the greatest opportunity for
hope about the future of our society.

Prompt 4

Much of what passes as education is technical knowledge that does little to
broaden the mind.

  Part B

Prompt 5

Friendship is something that most people see as very important, but most
friendships turn out to be superficial and fragile.

Prompt 6

Romances come and go, but it is friendship that remains.

Prompt 7

It is important that we learn to be confident within ourselves rather than
dependent on the good opinion of others.

Prompt 8

You have to work at friendship, because without tolerance and respect, even the
best friendships soon disappear.


STAT written English questions and answers
