How many words are in German language

Mon, Oct 2021
sebastian Mon, Oct 2021
The German language consists of about 5.3 million words – with a rising trend. About one third of those words was added in the last 100 years.
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Wed, Dec 2023

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ChatGPT 4
The phrase "big fish eat little fish" is a metaphorical expression that refers to the law of the survival of the fittest or the natural order of hierarchy. It means that in society, business, or any other competitive environment, the stronger or more powerful ones (big fish) will always dominate, take advantage of, or consume the weaker or less powerful ones (little fish). This phrase is often used to describe situations where smaller entities are being overtaken or consumed by larger entities.
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the phrase “big fishes eat smaller ones” is an idiomatic expression which means people with higher power uses that as an advantage to over power those without power.
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