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21- Flashcard

contain 3-9 monosaccharide units.


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22- Flashcard

can contain more than 9 monosaccharide units.

• Polysaccharides

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Complex carbohydrates can be broken down into smaller sugar units through a process known a


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If the oxygen on the anomeric carbon of a sugar is not attached to any other structure, that sugar can act as a

reducing agent

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If the oxygen on the anomeric carbon of a sugar is not attached to any other structure, that sugar can act as a reducing agent and is termed a

reducing sugar

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Reducing sugars include ALL monosaccharides

maltose, lactose;

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Reducing sugars include ALL monosaccharides, maltose, lactose; they reduce copper ions in

Benedict’s and Fehling’s

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Reducing sugars include ALL monosaccharides, maltose, lactose; they reduce copper ions in Benedict’s and Fehling’s and forms silver metal with


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 is a non-reducing sugar


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can be dissolved freely in water because water is a polar substance,

Monosaccharide and disaccharide

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Monosaccharide and disaccharide can be dissolved freely in water because water is a polar substance, while polysaccharide cannot be dissolved easily in water, because, it has

 high molecular weight , which give colloidal solutions in water.

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 is the most common method for the detection of carbohydrates.

Molisch’s Test

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is also used for the analysis of carbohydrate, as reducing sugar

Benedict’s Test

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Molisch’s test makes the use of

Molisch’s solution

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Molisch’s solution (contains α-naphthol in

95% alcohol)

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Molisch’s Test is the most common method for the detection of carbohydrates. Molisch’s test makes the use of Molisch’s solution (contains α-naphthol in 95% alcohol) and concentrated


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Reducing sugars consist of a free

aldehyde or ketone group.

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Molisch’s test detects the carbohydrate presence, on the basis of

dehydration reaction

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Benedict’s test makes the use of Benedict’s solution as a reagent which contains

copper sulfate, sodium citrate, sodium carbonate.

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Molisch’s test detects the carbohydrate presence, on the basis of dehydration reaction where the carbohydrate in the sample is dehydrated into aldehyde by the addition of concentrated


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