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51. Which one of the following epithelia is least common?

a. transitional
b. pseudostratified columnar (ciliated)
c. simple columnar
d. stratified columnar
e. simple squamous

52. The broadest basis for classifying epithelium into subgroups is

a. keratinized or not keratinized
b. squamous, cuboidal or columnar
c. simple or stratified
d. absorptive or secretory
e. lining or glandular

53. Regarding simple columnar epithelium which statement is least descriptive?

a. may be keratinized
b. may exhibit a microvillous border
c. the height of each cell is typically greater than its width
d. may have motile cilia
e. may contain goblet cells

54. Which of the following features is NOT characteristic of epithelium?

a. is usually supported by a basement membrane
b. little intercellular space
c. high cellularity
d. highly vascular
e. b, c, and d are all incorrect

55. Glands are classified based on

a. their secretory product
b. mode of secretion
c. branching pattern of the ducts
d. b and c are correct
e. a, b, and c are correct

56. The human dermis lacks which of the following?

a. reticular layer
b. sweat glands
c. melanin
d. hair follicles
e. sensory corpuscles



Dental Board exams (questions for histology/oral histology)

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