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21- Flashcard

as the Phosphatidylserine (negative receptor) that is normally in the inner leaflet will be flipped outside it will contribute to signaling of splenic macrophages ending up in phagocytosis of the aged RBC and resulting to

extravascular hemolysis

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22- Question

Cholesterol is opposite on both sides of the lipid bilayer and affects the surface area of the cell and membrane permeability

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23- Question

Membrane cholesterol (unesterified) exist in equilibrium with unesterified cholesterol of plasma lipoprotein.

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24- Question

Unesterified cholesterol in the plasma are free cholesterol. It can be detached if necessary.

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25- Flashcard

in the plasma, cholesterol is converted into an esterified by the action of

lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT)

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26- Question

cholesterol is esterified both in the plasma and in the membrane

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27- Flashcard

it prevents the further adding of cholesterol in the membrane and could end up in shape modification (abnormality)

esterification of cholesterol

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28- Question

Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is synthesized in the kidney.

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29- Question

If you have a liver disease, the RBC membrane will lose its selective permeability there would be easy exchange of cholesterol (Poikilocytosis) and the endpoint is destruction of the RBC

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30- Flashcard

abnormally shaped cell


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31- Question

Expanding of the outer leaflet will result in spiky appearance

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32- Question

Expanding of the inner leaflet will result in stomatocytosis

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33- Question

abnormally shaped cells have increased chance of survival

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34- Flashcard

The show relationship

-horizontal interaction: Brings skeletal support in the membrane lipid bilayer

-vertical interaction:

o It makes the membrane stable, because peripheral proteins are connected and stabilized to the integral protein.

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35- Flashcard

-Principal RBC glycoprotein.

-Accounts for most of the membrane sialic acid.

-Proteins are positive in charge.

-Carry various red cell antigens (MN, Ss, U, Gerbich antigens) and also plays a role in attaching the skeletal protein network located on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane to the lipid bilayer

Glycophorin (Sialoglycoproteins)

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36- Flashcard

it gives the RBC the negative charge and is the reason why RBC does not bump each other

sialic acid

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37- Flashcard

RBCs repel each other

Zeta Potential

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38- Question

If there is an abnormal protein, protein concentration will coat the RBC and will result in stacking of RBCs (Rouleaux)

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39- Question

there are almost 32 antigens in glycophorin

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40- Flashcard

also plays a role in attaching the skeletal protein network located on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane to the lipid bilayer.

o Forms attachment to peripheral protein

Glycophorin C (GPC)

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