Study Set Content:
1- Flashcard

still and must always play the preponderating part in the examination of the patient

The five senses

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2- Flashcard

“A good physician now or in the future will never be a diagnostic robot.”

Sir William Arbuthnot Lane

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3- Flashcard

should govern research and practice in the health profession.

Human values

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4- Flashcard

We must share an important obligation to explore the moral underpinnings and () related to research and practice.

ethical challenges

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5- Flashcard

Ethical matters in health informatics are, in general, less familiar, even though certain of them have received attention for decades.

Szolovits and Pauker, 1979; Miller et al., 1985; de Dombal, 1987:

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6- Flashcard

➢ Informatics now constitutes a source of some of the most important and interesting ethical () in all the health professions


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 are of vital importance and significant concern, there are other ethical issues including:

Confidentiality and privacy

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8- Flashcard

and use of informatics tools in clinical setting,

 appropriate selection

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9- Flashcard

the determination of who should use such


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10- Flashcard

the role of

system evaluation

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11- Flashcard

the obligations of

system developers, maintainers, and vendors

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12- Flashcard

the use of () to track clinical outcomes to guide future practice.


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13- Flashcard

Informatics engenders many important

legal and regulatory questions

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14- Flashcard

Application of computer-based technologies in the health professions can build on previous experience in adopting other

 devices, tools, and methods.

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15- Flashcard

Before they perform most health-related interventions, clinicians generally evaluate appropriate evidence, standards, presuppositions, and values. Indeed, the very evolution of the health professions entails the evolution of ,() of standards, o

evidence , standards , presuppositions, and of values

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16- Flashcard

“What should be done in this case?”

1. What is the problem?

2. What am I competent to do?

3. What will produce the most desirable results?

4. What will maintain or improve patient care?

5. How strong are my beliefs in the accuracy of my answers to questions 1 through 4?

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17- Flashcard

➢ New technology should be used with

caution and prudence

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➢ …there is considerable evidence that electronic laboratory information systems () access to clinical data when compared with manual, paperbased test-result distribution methods


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19- Flashcard

There is less evidence, however, that existing clinical expert systems can improve patient care in typical practice settings at an acceptable cost in

time and money

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20- Flashcard

Clinical expert systems are intended to provide decision support for diagnosis and therapy in a more detailed and sophisticated manner than that provided by simple reminder systems

Duda and Shortliffe, 1983

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