
This collection helps dental students prepare for the Dental Board exam in histology and oral histology part

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110. Ameloblast differentiation starts at the

a. incisal region of the tooth germ
b. cervical region of the tooth germ
c. junction of IDE and ODE (cervical loop)
d. lateral regions of the tooth germ
e. junction of stratum intermedium and stellate reticulum

111. Which one of the following dental (enamel) organs is usually the first to develop?

a. lst permanent molar
b. 2nd deciduous molar
c. permanent central incisor
d. deciduous central incisor
e. deciduous canine

112. Most principal fibers of the periodontal ligament insert into

a. attached gingiva
b. bone
c. dentin
d. free gingiva
e. cementum

113. Collagen fibers produced by cementoblasts generally lie in the matrix of cementum

a. parallel to Sharpey's fibers
b. parallel to the surface of the cementum
c. perpendicular to the dentino-cemental junction
d. randomly
e. either b or d

114. The gingival area where nonkeratinized epithelium most frequently occurs and which,

therefore, may be considered most vulnerable to inflammation is the


a. sulcular surface of the free gingiva
b. palatal gingiva
c. unattached gingiva
d. buccal gingiva
e. attached gingiva

115. Enamel undergoes a marked physical and chemical transition during the

a. desmolytic stage
b. morphogenic stage
c. maturation stage
d. secretory stage
e. protective stage

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116. Gingival massage through tooth brushing increases the circulation of blood in gingival

vessels in the


a. submucosa
b. lamina propria
c. keratinized epithelium
d. dental pulp
e. nonkeratinized epithelium

117. In order for bleeding of the gingiva to occur blood must pass from the lumen of blood

vessels across which of the following sequences of layers?


a. endothelium, submucosa, lamina propria, epithelium
b. tunica intima, muscularis mucosae, adventitia, stratum germinativum
c. endothelium, lamina propria, basal lamina, stratum basale
d. simple squamous epithelium, dense connective tissue, basal lamina, stratified

squamous epithelium

e. endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm

118. The major inorganic constituent of enamel by weight is

a. collagen
b. sodium
c. phosphate
d. calcium
e. carbonate

119. All of the following characterize palatine tonsils except

a. stratified squamous epithelium
b. ducts of mucous glands open into crypts
c. primary crypts
d. lymphatic nodules
e. secondary crypts

120. Bacteria that attack the odontoblastic processes in coronal dentin move along in the

dentinal tubules toward the pulp along a


a. s-shaped with minor spiraling passageway
b. spiral passageway
c. straight with minor spiraling passageway
d. s-shaped passageway
e. straight passageway


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121. Ectodermal derivatives at the cap stage include outer dental epithelium, inner dental

epithelium, and


a. ameloblasts
b. odontoblasts
c. stratum intermedium
d. dental papilla
e. stellate reticulum

122. Which one of the following least accurately describes the difference between mantle and

circumpulpal dentin?   Mantle dentin


a. contains ground substance formed by cells other than odontoblasts
b. contains collagen that is less closely packed and interwoven
c. mineralization is not dependent on matrix vesicles
d. is formed before circumpulpal dentin
e. contains collagen that is less closely packed and interwoven

123. All of the following structures may be found in oral mucous membrane except

a. lamina propria
b. basal lamina
c. keratohyaline granules
d. muscularis mucosae
e. stratified squamous epithelium

124. In humans, which one of the following is correct?

a. the parotid gland is chiefly a mixed gland
b. the submandibular gland is chiefly a mucous gland
c. the sublingual is chiefly a serous gland
d. the parotid is chiefly a mucous gland
e. the submandibular gland is chiefly a serous gland

125. At which functional stage would cells of, or arising from, the inner dental epithelium

contain the highest concentration of ribosomes?


a. protective
b. formative (secretory)
c. morphogenic
d. maturation
e. organizing


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126. A caries lesion that extends into the dentin may stimulate the formation of which of the



a. sclerotic dentin formation
b. secondary cementum formation
c. secondary dentin formation
d. dead tract formation
e. peritubular dentin formation

127. Which one of the following is a "pure" serous gland?

a. parotid gland (adult)
b. palatine gland
c. submandibular gland
d. labial gland
e. sublingual gland

128. Hypomineralized structures which extend from the dentino-enamel junction to the surface

of the enamel and are alined with the longitudinal axis of the tooth are called


a. enamel lamellae
b. Hunter-Schreger bands
c. enamel spindles
d. incremental lines of Retzius
e. enamel rods

129. Cementoblasts first produce

a. secondary cementum
b. Sharpey's fibers
c. cementoid
d. primary cementum
e. cementocytes

130. Mucoperiosteum may be found in which one of the following regions?

a. soft palate
b. hard palate
c. lip
d. cheek
e. tongue


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131. The cells that form cementum arise from the

a. epithelial diaphragm
b. dental papilla
c. outer enamel epithelium
d. fibroblasts
e. dental sac

132. Which one of the following is NOT ectodermal in origin?

a. reduced enamel epithelium
b. dental lamina
c. epithelial (Hertwig's) root sheath
d. enamel spindle
e. enamel

133. Cementocytes arise when

a. primary cementum is deposited
b. cementoblasts become entrapped by cememtum
c. permanent molars begin to erupt
d. cementoid is converted to cementum
e. permanent  anterior teeth begin to erupt

134. Pain originates in the pulp due to

a. free nerve endings in the cell rich layer of the pulp
b. free nerve endings in the vicinity of the odontoblastic cells
c. free nerve endings primarily located in the center of the pulp
d. free nerve endings in the cell free zone (of Weil)
e. myelinated nerve fibers in the adjacent part of the dentin

135. Which of the following correctly describes the mucosa of the sublingual floor of the



a. contains foliate papillae covered by non-keratinized epithelium
b. overlies serous salivary glands
c. has non-keratinized epithelium with no glands in the lamina propria
d. has non-keratinized epithelium with high connective tissue papillae
e. has keratinized epithelium with glands in the lamina propria

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 136. A structure in the oral cavity that is covered for the most part by stratified squamous

keratinized epithelium is the


a. hard palate
b. soft palate
c. cheek
d. tooth
e. circumvallate papilla

137. The major organic component of dentin is

a. collagen
b. lactate
c. hydroxyapatite
d. lipid
e. desmosine

138. Which one of the following is NOT present during the bell stage of tooth development?

a. primary dental (enamel) organ
b. outer dental epithelium
c. epithelial (Serre’s) pearls
d. ameloblasts
e. stratum intermedium

139. All the following structures except one is seen during the cap stage of tooth development

a. inner dental (enamel) epithelium
b. stratum intermedium
c. dental papilla
d. dental follicle (sac)
e. stellate reticulum

140. Which one of the following correctly describes the structure of the major salivary



a. compound tubular gland
b. simple tubuloalveolar gland
c. compound alveolar gland
d. compound tubuloalveolar gland
e. simple tubular gland


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141. All of the following are associated with the bell stage of tooth development except

a. tooth "germ" first appears
b. capillaries invade dental papilla
c. primordium of successional tooth develops
d. dental lamina disintegrates
e. nervous plexus develops in dental papilla

142. Which one of the following is the most accurate in respect to dental pain?

a. dentin is more sensitive when the pulp is inflamed
b. agents that cause pain when applied to skin cause pain when applied to dentin
c. synaptic nerve endings have been demonstrated between pulpal nerves and


d. dentin is uniformly sensitive
e. a local anesthetic applied to exposed dentin eliminates dentin sensitivity

143. Pick the correct series that lists the parts of the mature tooth in the order of increasing

inorganic content.


a. enamel, dentin, cementum, pulp
b. cementum, dentin, enamel, pulp
c. cementum, pulp, dentin, enamel
d. pulp, cementum, dentin, enamel
e. pulp dentin, cementum, enamel

144. Sharpey's fibers are formed principally by

a. osteoblasts
b. fibroblasts
c. odontoblasts
d. epithelial cells in the rests of Malassez
e. cementoblasts

145. Which feature of cellular cementum best differentiates it from acellular cementum?

a. position on tooth
b. lacunae
c. separate and distinct functions
d. embedded Sharpey's fibers
e. an incremental growth pattern


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146. In the keyhole concept for the shape of the cross-section of enamel rods

a. the crystallites in the head lie parallel to the surface of the enamel
b. the tails are directed mesially
c. the heads are directed mesially
d. the tails are directed incisally
e. the heads are directed incisally

147. The epithelial (Hertwig's) root sheath is involved in the formation of

a. enamel
b. crown
c. root
d. coronal pulp chamber
e. epithelial pearls

148. Mucous secreting cells are least appropriately described as having

a. lighter stained cytoplasm than serous cells
b. flattened nuclei
c. relatively vacant appearing cytoplasm
d. distinct cell boundaries
e. the ability to form demilunes

149. Which one of the following glands would possess numerous demilunes?

a. parotid
b. palatine
c. posterior lingual
d. von Ebner
e. sublingual

150. Sharpey's fibers are generally oriented in cementum

a. parallel to collagenic fibers produced by cementoblasts
b. randomly
c. parallel to the surface of cementum
d. perpendicular to the dentinocemental junction
e. either b or c


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151. Acid-etching of surface enamel to create a surface for better binding with dental

materials most commonly


a. preferentially removes centers of rods
b. dissolves hydroxyapatite crystals more readily in a direction perpendicular to their

long axis

c. shows little correlation with key-hole-shaped rods
d. bears no resemblance to rod structure
e. preferentially removes peripheries of rods

152. Ameloblasts are derived from

a. dental papilla
b. outer dental epithelium
c. inner dental epithelium
d. dental sac
e. ectomesenchymal cells

153. Which one of the following activities of the dental organ continues for the longest time

with the development of any tooth?


a. morphogenic
b. organizing
c. formative
d. maturational
e. protective

154. The formation of cementum results when the dental organ

a. adheres to dentin
b. becomes discontinuous over dentin
c. is in its secretory stage
d. is in its protective stage
e. forms an epithelial diaphragm

155. The periodontal ligament develops from

a. pulpal tissue
b. dental papilla
c. dental sac
d. outer dental epithelium
e. inner dental epithelium


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156. Serous secretory cells characteristically

a. have a nucleus flattened basally
b. have distinct lateral cell boundaries
c. have relatively vacant apical cytoplasm
d. may form demilunes
e. lack intercellular canaliculi

157. Saliva produced during stimulation by eating or by mechanical manipulations during

dental procedures arises principally from the


a. minor salivary glands
b. parotid glands
c. submandibular, sublingual and minor salivary glands
d. submandibular glands
e. sublingual glands

158. All of the following become part of the reduced enamel epithelium except

a. outer dental epithelium
b. stratum intermedium
c. ameloblast cells
d. epithelial diaphragm
e. stellate reticulum

159. Secondary (cellular) cementum differs from alveolar bone in that it

a. lacks lacunae
b. lacks hydroxyapatite crystallites
c. resorbs less readily than bone
d. has Sharpey's fibers
e. may exhibit resting lines

160. Lines of von Ebner represent

a. cyclic metabolic changes in ameloblasts
b. cyclic metabolic changes in odontoblast activity
c. interglobular dentin
d. increment lines in enamel
e. configuration of secondary curvatures of dentinal tubules

161. Developing teeth and dental arches are separated from the developing cheeks by the

a. primary epithelial band
b. inner dental epithelium
c. dental lamina
d. vestibular bond or furrow
e. outer dental epithelium

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162. The density of enamel is greatest

a. at the surface near the cervical margin of a permanent ooth
b. between the cusp and cervical regions of a permanent tooth
c. at the surface of a cusp of a permanent tooth
d. toward D-E junction of the cusp of a permanent tooth
e. toward D-E junction in the cervical margin of a permanent tooth

163. All of the following groups of principal fibers of the periodontal ligament are present in

all permanent teeth except


a. cervical
b. alveolar crest
c. transeptal
d. interradicular
e. apical

164. High connective tissue papillae in the oral cavity mucosa are associated with

a. areas subjected to mechanical stress
b. swallowing action
c. tissues not supported by bone
d. nonkeratinized epithelium
e. a submucosa

165. The most highly mineralized region of dentin is the

a. intertubular dentin
b. globular dentin
c. peritubular dentin
d. interglobular dentin
e. Tomes' granular layer

166. Dentin becomes harder with age because of a general increase in

a. interglobular dentin
b. secondary dentin
c. denticles
d. peritubular dentin
e. intertubular dentin


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167. Preparing a tooth for a restoration may stimulate all of the following actions except

a. an increase in the number of dentinal tubules
b. death of odontoblasts
c. sclerotic dentin formation
d. dead tract formation
e. irregular dentin formation

168. Odontoblastic processes extend into

a. enamel lamellae
b. enamel tufts
c. enamel spindles
d. reduced enamel epithelium
e. perikymata

169. Which one of the following is incorrectly matched?

a. epithelial (Hertwig's) root sheath - epithelial rests (of Malassez)
b. ameloblasts - enamel pearl
c. dental lamina - epithelial (Serre’s) pearl
d. cementoblasts - pulp stones
e. odontoblasts - enamel spindles

170. In considering the process of eruption, the prefunctional eruptive stage of a tooth begins

when the


a. cap stage begins
b. bell stage begins
c. dental lamina begins forming
d. bud stage begins
e. none of the above

171. Enamel tufts are

a. hypomineralized areas of dentin
b. hypermineralized areas in dentin
c. hypomineralized areas in enamel
d. similar to enamel spindles
e. hypermineralized areas in enamel

172. All of the following cell types may produce collagen fibers except?

a. odontoblasts
b. ameloblasts
c. cementoblasts
d. osteoblasts
e. chondroblasts

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173. Mitochondria in association with basal infoldings of the plasmalemma are

characteristically found in


a. excretory duct cells
b. serous cells
c. intercalated duct cells
d. mucous cells
e. striated ( secretory) duct cells

174. The epithelial rests (of Malassez) arise from

a. dental follicle
b. outer dental epithelium
c. epithelial root sheath
d. dental organ
e. inner dental epithelium

175. In general, the deeper a cavity preparation is made into the dentin the

a. less concentrated the dentinal tubules
b. less permeable the dentin structurally
c. weaker the remaining dentin (or stronger etc.)
d. greater the amount of peritubular dentin(& lesser)
e. fewer odontoblasts are affected

176. When an oral surgeon extracts a mandibular first molar, all of the principal fibers of the

periodontal ligament are torn from their attachment to alveolar bone except for the


a. transeptal fibers
b. oblique fiber
c. interradicular fibers
d. dentoperiosteal fibers
e. alveolar crest fibers

177. All of the following are part of or arise from the dental organ except the

a. rests of Malassez
b. reduced enamel epithelium
c. epithelial root sheath
d. cervical loop
e. dental sac


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178. All of the following may be observed in demineralized sections of mature teeth except

a. intertubular dentin
b. interglobular dentin
c. peritubular dentin
d. reparative dentin
e. globular dentin

179. The major inorganic component of dentin is

a. collagen
b. lactate
c. hydroxyapatite
d. lipid
e. desmosine

180. The presence of Tomes' processes is associated with the

a. formation of peritubular dentin
b. morphogenic function of dental organ
c. secretory function of dental organ
d. hypomineralized root dentin
e. intratubular nerve endings

181. All of the deciduous dentition has been initiated in utero by the

a. 6th wk
b. 7th wk
c. 8th wk
d. 10th wk
e. 16th wk

182. All of the tooth germs of the primary dentition are usually completed in utero by the

a. 4th mo
b. 6th mo
c. 7th mo
d. 8th mo
e. none of the above

183. The formation of the 1st tooth of the permanent dentition is initated in utero by the

a. 4th mo
b. 5th mo
c. 6th mo
d. 7th mo
e. 8th mo

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184. More principal fibers of the periodontal ligament start or end in

a. dentin than bone
b. cementum than bone
c. dentin than cementum
d. bone than cementum
e. gingiva than cementum


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Answers for Board Review Questions:

1 - e
2 - e
3 - a
4 - b
5 - c
6 - c
7 - d
8 - a
9 - b
10 - e
11 - d
12 - e
13 - a
14 - d
15 - e
16 - c
17 - d
18 - d
19 - b
20 - d
21 - d
22 - a
23 - c
24 - c
25 - c
26 - d
27 - c
28 - d
29 - b
30 - a
31 - e
32 - a
33 - d
34 - c
35 - e
36 - b
37 - e
38 - d
39 - b
40 - e
41 - d
42 - e
43 - a
44 - d
45 - d
46 - c

47 - e
48 - d
49 - b
50 - e
51 - a
52 - e
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54 - d
55 - e
56 - c
57 - b
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59 - b
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61 - e
62 - b
63 - d
64 - c
65 - b
66 - a
67 - a
68 - e
69 - c
70 - b
71 - e
72 - d
73 - a
74 - d
75 - c
76 - b
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79 - e
80 - b
81 - b
82 - e
83 - e
84 - a
85 - b
86 - b
87 - c
88 - d
89 - c
90 - c
91 - e
92 - b

93 - d
94 - e
95 - a
96 - d
97 - e
98 - b
99 - a
100 - b
101 - d
102 - b
103 - a
104 - b
105 - c
106 - e
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108 - e
109 - b
110 - a
111 - d
112 - e
113 - e
114 - a
115 - c
116 - b
117 - d
118 - c
119 - b
120 - a
121 - e
122 - c
123 - d
124 - e
125 - b
126 - b
127 - a
128 - a
129 - c
130 - b
131 - e
132- d
133 - b
134 - b
135 - c
136 - a
137 - a
138 - a

139 - b
140 - d
141 - a
142 - a
143 - d
144 - b
145- b
146 - e
147 - c
148 - e
149 - e
150 - d
151 - a
152 - c
153 - b
154 - b
155 - c
156 - d
157 - b
158 - d
159 - c
160 - b
161 - d
162 - c
163 - d
164 - a
165 - c
166 - d
167 - a
168 - c
169 - d
170 - e
171 - c
172 - b
173 - e
174 - d
175 - c
176 - a
177 - c
178 - c
179 - c
180 - c
181 - d
182 - d
183 - a
184 - b

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