Study Set Content:
1- Flashcard

In the provision of pharmaceutical care,

pharmacists are providing information to patients,

whereas the () is often

providing drug information to other health


drug information specialist

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2- Flashcard

is an integral part of pharmacist

supervised patient care.

Drug information

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3- Flashcard

Pharmacists can and will be held liable for their

conduct relating to


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4- Flashcard

is a specialized discipline of pharmacy practice.


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5- Flashcard

Specialists are held to the highest degree of care

by the


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6- Flashcard

Because of the DI pharmacists’ greater () in

the area of DI, it is likely that the courts would

expand their legal and professional liability beyond

that of other pharmacists.


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7- Flashcard

The liability of the DI specialist versus generalist

differs for a number of reasons, the most obvious of

which are the () of the information provided

and the () of the information.

nature, recipients

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8- Flashcard

The DI specialist is most often providing DI to other

health professionals and often has the title


Information Specialist or Clinical Manager

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9- Flashcard

Functions such as online searching, monitoring or

recommending drug therapy, preparing drug alerts

and pharmacy bulletins, participating in pharmacy

and therapeutics (P&T) committees, conducting

medication use evaluations (MUE), writing and

revising medication policies, training residents,

pharmacy students, and pharmacy staff, and

identifying adverse drug events entail legal

obligations of

proper performance

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10- Flashcard

Providing DI to

patients, caregivers, and health

care professionals.

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11- Flashcard

Creating and maintaining()of a variety of

print and online educational resources for patients

(e.g., tip sheets, pamphlets) and health care

professionals (e.g., in service documents,

newsletters) on topics such as ()

optimal medication

use, general health, or select clinical questionscurrency,

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12- Flashcard

Educating health care professionals on safe and

effective medication use (),

including development of resources to

communicate this().

policies and processes, information

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13- Flashcard

in continuing education

services for health care professionals.

Leading or participating

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14- Flashcard

() pharmacy students and


Precepting and educating

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15- Flashcard

Participating in () and ()

quality improvement research

projects , drug cost analyses.

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16- Flashcard

Contributing to the () and

providing() for other contributors

biomedical literature, peer review

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17- Flashcard

is the name given to a body of law that

creates, and provides remedies for, civil wrongs

that do not arise out of contractual duties.


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18- Flashcard

A tort is a

legal wrong.

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19- Flashcard

Tort law establishes conditions under which victims

can shift at least some of the costs they incur to


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20- Flashcard

A person who is legally injured may be able to use

tort law to recover damages from someone who is

legally responsible, or () for those injuries.


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