Study Set Content:
81- Flashcard

What events led to a large number of students participating in hartal?

The arrest of Nehru on 14 April and Gandhi on 5 May 1930 led to a large number of students participating in hartal.

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82- Flashcard

What actions did students in the Brahmaputra valley take on 6 and 14 May 1930?

On 6 and 14 May 1930, students in the Brahmaputra valley resorted to boycotting their institutions as a form of protest.

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83- Flashcard

Who organized a special session to discuss its plan of action?

The Assam Chatra Sanmilan organized a special session at Gauhati to discuss its plan of action.

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84- Flashcard

How many students left their institutions between July and August 1930?

Around 3,117 out of 15,186 students left their institutions between July and August 1930.

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