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21- Flashcard

Listing of Orbitals occupied by an atom’s electron

Ground-state electron configuration

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·       Lowest-energy orbitals fill first, in the order of 1S, 2S,

3S, 3p...

Aufbau principle

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·       Only two electrons can occupy an orbital and they must be of opposite spin

Pauli exclusion principle

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·       If two or more empty orbitals of equal energy are available, electrons occupy each with parallel spins until all orbitals have one electron.

Hund's rule

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Indicates type and ratio of atoms in a compound.

– For example: CH2 , May represent either C2H4 or c4H8

Empirical formula

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– Indicated actual number of atoms in a compound.

– Example: CH4, C2H4, C6H6

Molecular Formula

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Indicated the actual number of atoms and how they are

bonded each other. The most comprehensive formula.

Structural formula

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·       This theory explains how atoms are connected

together in an organic compound. It was developed by

independent studies of Butlerov, Kekule and Couper

between 1857-1861.

Structural theory Organic Compounds

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ll atoms form a certain number of bonds. It can be

explained by

valency concept

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Two compounds may have same molecular formula

but different

structural formula

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·       Idea that acids are solutions containing a lot of “H+” and bases are solutions containing a lot of “OH” is not very useful in organic chemistry.

Acid and Base (Bronsted-Lowry Definition)

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·       Substance that donate a hydrogen ion, H+

Bronsted-Lowry Acid

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·       Substance that accepts a hydrogen ion, H+

Bronsted-Lowry Base

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Products that results forms deprotonation of a Bronsted=Lowry Acid

Conjugate base

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·       Products that results forms protonation of a Bronsted-Lowry Base

Conjugate acid

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For the reaction of an acid (HA) with water to form

hydronium ion.


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is a measure related to the strength

of the acid.


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indicate concentration in moles per liter.


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