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1- Flashcard

• A chemical substance produced by a microorganism which has the capacity to inhibit the growth of or to kill other microorganisms


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2- Flashcard

ANTIBIOTICS From the greek word


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3- Flashcard

“anti” –

– against

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4- Flashcard


– life

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5- Flashcard

Literally means “against life”


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6- Flashcard

Antibiotics are used to treat infections caused by


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7- Flashcard

Bacteria are microscopic organisms, some of which may cause illness


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8- Flashcard

it inhibits the growth or multiplication of bacteria.


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9- Flashcard

Bacteriostatic examples

Chloramphenicol, erythromycin, clindamycin, sulfonamides, trimethoprim, tetracyclines

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- it destroys or kills bacteria.


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Aminoglycosides, beta-lactams, vancomycin, quinolones, rifampin metronidazole

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These substances target microorganisms such as

bacteria, fungi and parasites.

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13- Flashcard

Antibiotics works by affecting things that bacterial cells have but human cells


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14- Flashcard

Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by () such as:


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15- Flashcard

Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by viruses such as:

colds, flu, most cough & bronchitis, sore throat

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16- Flashcard

Before fleming introduced to the world about penicillins in 1928, he discovered


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Before fleming introduced to the world about penicillins in 1928, he discovered lysozyme first in


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Before fleming introduced to the world about penicillins in 1928, he discovered lysozyme first in 1920. • But like (), the drugs toxicity precluded its use


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19- Flashcard

8 years after lysozyme was introduced, in () () was discovered

1928, penicillins

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20- Flashcard

The 1st identitified chemical compound with antibiotic properties _ considered to be the first “true antibiotic “


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