Study Set Content:
21- Flashcard

Employees must be given the opportunity to voice out their opinions and concerns. Their contributions to the organization must be recognized to let them know that they are essential to the success of the organization


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22- Flashcard

 It is managers responsibility to treat everyone of his or her employees fairly. The manager must always consider the employees work schedules, job titles, scope of responsibilities, salary, and benefits when making decisions


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23- Flashcard

Recognize employees contributions in the organization. Let them know that all their efforts are appreciated.


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24- Flashcard

Openly recognize the employeewho routinely provides excellent customer service.


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25- Flashcard

Formulate a mission that everyone must accomplish. A good mission must be one that incorporates everyone’s individual efforts to achieve the goal

Compelling mission

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26- Flashcard

Hold a get-together with your employees. Everyone can be tasked to bring something to beshared by the whole group.


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27- Flashcard

Celebrate both small and big victories of the organization. Celebrations do not always have to be grand. They can be as simple as having a fun and casual dinner together


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28- Flashcard

Assign the employees to createa safety plan for their department. Everyone can contribute to the plans formulation depending on the task assigned to the department.

Compelling mission

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29- Flashcard

Allow employees to make decision and produced results on their own so that they will be more motivated to do more than what is asked to them.

Increased responsibility

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People must always be given room to grow so that they will not feel stuck or trapped. Provide your employees with ways that can help them maximize their potentials. Make them feel that the work they do is something worthwhile.

Balance of achievement and challenge

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31- Flashcard

Make it a point to include all employees of the pharmacy inthe strategic planning of the department. Get everyone’s inputs and show themthat their opinions are valued

Balance of achievement and challenge

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32- Flashcard

Evaluate your employees through a method that can account for their individual personalities. Don not be so rigid in assessing their performance.

Increased responsibility

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is integral to how organizations achieve their goalsv


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34- Flashcard

A manager must be able to effectively what, how, by, whom,and when a task is to be done.


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35- Flashcard

Six messages that involves in communication process:

1. What the sender of the message means to say.

2. What he or she actually says.

3. What the receiver of the message hears.

4. What he or she thinks he or she hears.

5. What he or she says.

6. What the sender thinks the receiver says.

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36- Flashcard

There are four principles that managers should use to ensure effective communication with and among the employees:

1. Managers should always impartial and consistent to gain the confidence of the employees.

2. Managers should show sincere interest in issues that are important to the employees to gain their respect.

3. Managers and employees should have good upward and downward communication. Both managers and employees must know how to properly talk and listen.

4. Communication is fifty percent active listening. This is why it is important for managers and employees to listen carefully to one another to achieve full understanding of the information received, take action quickly based on their understanding, and communicate the results of such actions.

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37- Flashcard

refers to the series of acts taken by the management to address unacceptable actions committed by employees.

The progressive discipline

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The goal of progressive discipline in the organization

is to encourage optimal behavior and escalate the consequences of poor employee performance.

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Responses by management to undesirable behavior become progressively severe until the employee either improves, resign, or is terminated from the job.

Responses by management to undesirable behavior become progressively severe until the employee either improves, resign, or is terminated from the job.

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To clarify, the purpose of progressive discipline is not to

punish despite being punitive in nature

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