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221- Flashcard

Cork cells of periderm

rectangular or boxlike cork cells

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222- Flashcard

: makes the cork cells waterproof and helps them protect the phloem and other tissues beneath the bark from drying out, mechanical injury and freezing temperatures


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223- Flashcard

pockets of loosely arranged parenchyma cells that are not impregnated with suberin and protrudes through the surace of the periderm. They function in gas exchange between the air and the interior of the stem.


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224- Flashcard

Derived from parenchyma o Can occur in various places in plants. o Most common secretary tissues are those that secreted nectar in flowers, oils in citrus, min and other many leaves; mucilage in the granular hairs of sundews, and other insect-trapping plants; latex in members of several families (Spurge Family); and resins in coniferous plants such as pine trees.

Secretory cells

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225- Flashcard

Ground Tissue System

Parenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Collenchyma

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226- Flashcard

Vascular Tissue

Xylem, and Phloem

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227- Flashcard

Xylem is composed of

Tracheids, vessel elements, parenchyma cells, Fibers

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228- Flashcard

Phloem is composed of

Sieve tube elements, companion cells, parenchyma cells, fibers

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229- Flashcard

Dermal Tissue System

Epidermis and Periderm

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230- Flashcard

What composed the epidermis

Parenchyma, trichome, guard cells

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231- Flashcard

What is periderm composed of

Cork cells, Cork Cambium cells, cork parenchyma

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